Steam borderlands 2 goty
Steam borderlands 2 goty

steam borderlands 2 goty steam borderlands 2 goty

* Fixed an issue that could cause graphical glitching when a door is opened at the same time a sensor closes it * Fixed or improved numerous audio details and timings, including some improved voiceover lines * Fixed numerous minor visual glitches, including some related to indirect lighting * Fixed bugs, including some that could cause crashes, related to the DLSS and ray tracing graphics options * Fixed in issue in which the player could unequip a jammed gun during the unjamming animation * Corrected some issues with FSR integration and improved overall implementation. * Fixed an issue in which the player could unequip the machete during an assassination animation * Fixed an issue that could trap players if Fia's large bunker doors close on them * More than one turret can no longer occupy the same space * Fixed an issue that caused some hackable doors to become unopenable if kicked while hacking * Fixed a case in which 2-Bit interactions were not working as intended * Fixed an issue that could lead to a player using the Shift Slab to reach a ledge, triggering the vaulting action, and getting stuck in the ledge instead of vaulting it * Fixed an issue that could cause the Hackamajig not to be automatically equipped to an empty hand when first picked up * Fixed an issue that could prevent a weapon from being further reloaded if player switched to a same ammunition type while reloading then switched back to original weapon * Fixed an issue that could result in Colt having 2 guns in the same hand or one gun in the left hand instead of the right hand after a reprise * Hackable antennas now give clearer audiovisual feedback of their hacked status * Turret placement can no longer be used as a way to enable the player to clip through doors or other surfaces * Kicking a Strelak Sapper Charge while "cooking" it no longer causes the Charge to explode and no longer causes subsequent Charges to disappear when thrown * Strelak Sapper Charges can no longer be thrown in a way that enables the player to clip through doors or other surfaces * Also in Karl's Bay, a certain window in Hangar 2 has been restored to its intended functionality * In Karl's Bay, Harriet and her cultists can no longer shoot at Colt through the closed security door to her office * Duplicate Slab upgrades are now converted to a harvestable Residuum object * Fixed an issue in which mouse wheel sensitivity was overreduced when zooming in or out to view a weapon in the Loadout UI

steam borderlands 2 goty

* Players will no longer be asked to confirm changes to visual settings if nothing was changed * The Heritage Gun's reticle will now indicate the increased scatter from the Scattergun perk * When aiming down sights, crosshairs will no longer disappear while the player is close enough to an NPC to perform an assassination * Melee will now be labeled correctly when in the weapon cycle on a controller (Y) * The game will now pause fully during the Game Over splash screen

steam borderlands 2 goty

* The UI HUD will now properly display updates made to key bindings and controls * The appearance of weapons and other items is improved within the Loadout UI * The UI is now clearer regarding Residuum loss on death * Strelak Sapper Charges will now stick to Julianna as they do to other NPCs * Players now properly hear audio reactions from the opposing player during melee * Strelak Sapper Charges thrown by NPCs that Julianna has attacked will no longer create false Colt tags for Julianna * Higher chance that you will invade players on your Friends list while they are playing in 'Online mode' * Colt players who linger in Colt's tunnels for too long are automatically tagged and that causes the tunnel doors to open * The antenna that Colt must hack to escape now takes slightly longer to hack * AI-controlled Julianna is now more reactive to Colt's actions * Colt dropping the game now counts as a win for a player-controlled Julianna

Steam borderlands 2 goty